Thursday, October 25, 2012

Day 72 - FF Game You Plan to Play

Well, I've finished FF1 to FFX main series, FFTA, and Dissidia Final Fantasy. I am currently playing FFX-2.

Provided I got the cash to buy these, I plan to play Theatrhythm Final Fantasy, top priority.

Other games I also plan to play are Crisis Core, Dissidia 012, FFIV Interlude and The After Years, and FF3 and FF4 most recent remake. Maybe I'll play Dirge of Cerberus when I get a better laptop for the emulator.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Day 71 - Opinion on FFXIII

I watched a video on the gameplay of FF13. My opinion:

Less pressing of buttons, more watching. Press a few buttons, watch a lot of fighting sequence. Too much focus on graphics.

I don't usually care a lot about the graphics. I even finished FFX on a lagging emulator but I don't care because the gameplay is nice. I also loved how I use my fast hands especially in Zell's duel and the ATB system.

A blue ray disc not finishing the story? Shows that most of the disc space is occupied by the graphics. That's why there is 13-2 and 13-3. Come on! FFX finished it's main story on a DVD.

Just because the graphics are good does not mean it's a great game.

Talk about the classic Final Fantasy Series especially 4, 6, and 7. Don't forget 1, which started it all.

For me, Terra is the ONLY female protagonist! (Sorry Lightning, but it's true)

Day 70 - Favorite Chocobo Theme

Chocobo Jam (Final Fantasy X)

Instead of the traditional melody of chocobo, some changes were made here and it rocks!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Day 69 - Favorite Town Theme

Cosmo Canyon (Final Fantasy VII)

The song is so relaxing. I often listen to this when I have problems and I need to calm down and relax.

Day 68 - Least Favorite Boss Battle Theme

Force Your Way (Final Fantasy VIII)

Same reason as don't be afraid. After drawing 100 spells each, eventually I'm fed up with the music.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Day 67 - Favorite Boss Battle Theme

Battle with Gilgamesh (Final Fantasy V)

Very catchy tune. The song won't make battling just a battle. I can't wait to play this on Theatrhythm Final Fantasy.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Day 66 - Least Favorite Battle Theme

Don't Be Afraid (FFVIII)

After spending too much time under this music because of drawing magic, you'll eventually get tired of this song, and maybe hate it?

This also applies to using summons with very long sequences.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Day 63 - Character Not Supposed to be in Dissidia


She doesn't even exist in the game. She's just an imaginary character. Kinda hard to use also because of low bravery depletion skills.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Day 62 - Most Attractive Character

Terra Branford

The fact that she is my favorite character in all Final Fantasy. She is my best pick in DFF. I always use her in FF6. I WILL use her first when I buy Theathrhythm Final Fantasy.

I am currently making a fan made film of FF and I made her play a great role in the story, more like the leading lady.

Other candidates would be Refia (III), Rydia (IV), Lenna (V), Celes (VI), Rinoa (VIII), and Garnet (IX). No Yuna or Rikku, blame FFX-2. But still, Terra beats them all.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Day 61 - Disappointing Game

From FF1 to FFX, none of these disappointed me.

The game that disappointed me is FFX-2. What have they done to Yuna and Rikku? Especially Paine's Special Dressphere! It burns my eyes!

I can't react to 11, 12, 13 and 14 because I haven't played them.

Day 60 - Best Storyline

Pretty tough, but here it goes

Top 3:


Friday, October 12, 2012

Day 59 - Saddest Character Death

1. Aerith's Death

Combine the scene with her theme song, and you'll be crying. Fighting Jenova in this song makes me lose the mood to fight... but I have to!

2. General Leo's Death

He's such a nice person. He's with the enemy, but he could still be a friend. He believed that the war is over, when in fact, he was just used to find the espers. He is powerful if he were to be a party member, but he is killed by Kefka. Too bad.

3. Galuf's Death

A pretty good character, he sacrifices himself to save his granddaughter. Krile's crying sprite makes the scene.

4. Jecht's Death

He dies, Tidus cries, and his goodbye message is "I hate you!" It's still a sad scene.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Day 58 - OMG WTF Moment

Final Fantasy VI

Terra is an esper!

I've been using Terra in my main force for healing without the need for potions, and for magic. All this time I never knew she is an esper herself... and she leaves the party! Good thing there's Celes to fill her spot.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Day 57 - Event that freaked you out

Rinoa possessed at the Lunar Base (Final Fantasy VIII)

I first saw this scene when I was young, I think I'm around 10 years old at that time. This event really scared me, thanks a lot to the background music. I just wished this scene would end immediately.

Day 56 - Saddest Event

Celes attemps suicide (Final Fantasy VI)

She is trapped in an island, and the last of the people in that island, Cid, died. Feeling that everything is gone, she attemps to kill herself by jumping off the mountain, to end her burden.

The music in this scene, Celes' theme, makes the scene even sadder, just like Aerith's death and Aerith's theme.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Day 55 - Awkward Moment

Awkward Tidus laugh

His laugh is awkward. What makes it more awkward? Playing it in PCSX2 with a bit of lag. Makes him laugh like an idiot.

I heard that his laugh is even more awkward in the Japanese version. He laughs like a crow.

******Out of the choices: Just a special mention

Leblanc's Massage Minigame

Really awkward... especially when you turn up the sound system really loud. Thankfully I played this part alone in low volume. Really weird when someone hears that and wonders what is going on. Next time I play this I will mute the sound system and just finish this as fast as I can.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Day 54 - LOL Moment

Locke's Scenario (Final Fantasy VI)

Locke uses steal to steal items... and clothes!

Taken from the SNES version.

Day 53 - Favorite Event

Opera - Aria de Mezzo Caraterre (Final Fantasy VI)

Celes agrees to play as Maria so they could meet up with Setzer. They need Setzer and his airship so they can go to the Empire base.

The song featured here is one of the best soundtracks in Final Fantasy and it came from the SNES era.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Day 50 - Favorite Quote

Not just favorite quote but favorite quotes...

Celes got the best lines in the game.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Monday, October 1, 2012

Day 48 - Least Favorite Mini Game

Tetra Master (Final Fantasy IX)

I never learned how to play this. I only know that the arrows must be pointed to a card without an interfering arrow. I don't know what the numbers or the letters meant.

I defeated the competition in Treno using Dr. Tot's cards and some luck.